Tuesday, July 15, 2008


First Name -Elaine
Nickname -air leen, alien
Birthday -27th December
Birthplace - Kota Bharu, Kelantan(The islamic City)
Time of Birth -8.00p.m
Single or taken - Single and available
Zodiac sign - Capricorn

Your Appearance
How tall are you -About 165cm
Wish you were taller - yup..at least 170cm =)
Eye color - Dark Brown
Eye color you want - Same
Natural Hair color - black
Current Hair color - brownish (dye ma)
Short or long hair -not very long but oso not short XD
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - Nope and wont!!
Curly,Straight,Wavy - straight..
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - nop..
Glasses or contacts - Glasses la.. =.=
Do you wear make-up - no.. haha
Ever had hair extensions - nope..
Paint your nails - b4.. but not now.. =)

In the opposite gender
What color eyes - Brown
What color hair - black.. hehee
Shy or Outgoing - outgoing..
Looks or personality -can i wan both...hehe
Sexy or Cute - cute ...
Serious or Fun - depends on the situation
Older or Younger than you -both can..

This or that:
Flowers or Chocolate - Chocolate..
Pepsi or Coke -Coke..
Rap or Rock -rock..
Relationship or One night stand -Relationship..
School or Work -School
Love or Money - BOTH !!
Movies or Music -music..can get it easily n no need sit there for hours..hehe..
Country or City -Country
Sunny or Rainy days -depands on my mood..XD~~
Friends or Family -Both are oso important for me.
Have you ever Lied - lolxx.. lots of time.. haha
Stole something - ermzzz.. XD
Smoked - no n never
Hurt someone close to you - ya..
Broke someone's heart - Yes gua..
Had your heart broken -Yes...
Wish you were a prince/princess - sure!
Liked someone who was taken -dunno..XP
Shaved your head - i will not do dis except i am mad...
Been in love - nop..T.T
Used chopsticks - yup but not in a proper way.. hehe
Sang in the mirror to yourself - erm..

Flower -Tulip..
Candy - lollipop..
Song -lollipop bang bang tang n any nice songs!!
Scent-nop..coz alegic wif it..
Color -blue series n soft colours
Movie -Harry Potter Series
Singer -Lollipop, Blackie, S.H.E n etc.~
Word - "up to u la!"
Junk food -wawtever tat can eat...ahhhhha
Website - youtube XD
Location -house
Food -noodle..
Animal -fishes..
Ever cried over someone - yes...
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself -Yes..b more confident n indepandent..
Do you think you're attractive -erm..dunno eh..hehe..
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose -Cinderella!!
Do you play any sports -erm..sometime got swimming lo..hehe XD

List (8) random facts about yourself
1. I am lazy..
2. I dun hav self-confidence..how to be more ar..
3. i cant live without a computer now..hehe..
4. I go to CLC for english course..
5. I sleep late at night...about 3 o 4a.m...hehe..
6. I used to work part time in billion..gain sum experience..:)
7. I hate rats and snakes..
8. I thinking where to go for study..

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