Tuesday, July 15, 2008


First Name -Elaine
Nickname -air leen, alien
Birthday -27th December
Birthplace - Kota Bharu, Kelantan(The islamic City)
Time of Birth -8.00p.m
Single or taken - Single and available
Zodiac sign - Capricorn

Your Appearance
How tall are you -About 165cm
Wish you were taller - yup..at least 170cm =)
Eye color - Dark Brown
Eye color you want - Same
Natural Hair color - black
Current Hair color - brownish (dye ma)
Short or long hair -not very long but oso not short XD
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - Nope and wont!!
Curly,Straight,Wavy - straight..
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - nop..
Glasses or contacts - Glasses la.. =.=
Do you wear make-up - no.. haha
Ever had hair extensions - nope..
Paint your nails - b4.. but not now.. =)

In the opposite gender
What color eyes - Brown
What color hair - black.. hehee
Shy or Outgoing - outgoing..
Looks or personality -can i wan both...hehe
Sexy or Cute - cute ...
Serious or Fun - depends on the situation
Older or Younger than you -both can..

This or that:
Flowers or Chocolate - Chocolate..
Pepsi or Coke -Coke..
Rap or Rock -rock..
Relationship or One night stand -Relationship..
School or Work -School
Love or Money - BOTH !!
Movies or Music -music..can get it easily n no need sit there for hours..hehe..
Country or City -Country
Sunny or Rainy days -depands on my mood..XD~~
Friends or Family -Both are oso important for me.
Have you ever Lied - lolxx.. lots of time.. haha
Stole something - ermzzz.. XD
Smoked - no n never
Hurt someone close to you - ya..
Broke someone's heart - Yes gua..
Had your heart broken -Yes...
Wish you were a prince/princess - sure!
Liked someone who was taken -dunno..XP
Shaved your head - i will not do dis except i am mad...
Been in love - nop..T.T
Used chopsticks - yup but not in a proper way.. hehe
Sang in the mirror to yourself - erm..

Flower -Tulip..
Candy - lollipop..
Song -lollipop bang bang tang n any nice songs!!
Scent-nop..coz alegic wif it..
Color -blue series n soft colours
Movie -Harry Potter Series
Singer -Lollipop, Blackie, S.H.E n etc.~
Word - "up to u la!"
Junk food -wawtever tat can eat...ahhhhha
Website - youtube XD
Location -house
Food -noodle..
Animal -fishes..
Ever cried over someone - yes...
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself -Yes..b more confident n indepandent..
Do you think you're attractive -erm..dunno eh..hehe..
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose -Cinderella!!
Do you play any sports -erm..sometime got swimming lo..hehe XD

List (8) random facts about yourself
1. I am lazy..
2. I dun hav self-confidence..how to be more ar..
3. i cant live without a computer now..hehe..
4. I go to CLC for english course..
5. I sleep late at night...about 3 o 4a.m...hehe..
6. I used to work part time in billion..gain sum experience..:)
7. I hate rats and snakes..
8. I thinking where to go for study..

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Get a new laptop

such a long time dint write blog here dy...
hooraay.....at last i own a laptop dy......yeah.....
very happy eh...but it is so difficult to use it...haiz...

nowaday everyone of my frens go study liao....only me nia still goyang kaki at home...haiz...very sienz la...

now really need to choose either goin study at Taiwan o KL dy...but i very confusing la...I yearned for goin study at Taiwan but i scare tat i cant adapt with the condition n will be regret...haiz...

such a pretty labtop